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  April - June 2012 News Letter Back.....    

No. 47  Quarterly             
e-mail: [email protected]   
April – June, 2012
83, Goyal Palace, Bodakdev, Sarkhej-Gandhinagar Road, Ahmedabad – 380054.
Phone: 079 - 2685 5522  Mobile : 09825945522           

       : The Editorial Committee :

Shri P. K. Bansal                    Shri K. N. Garg                 Shri R. J. K. Jain  
  From the President’s Desk    

The Annual General Meeting of APCA was held on 29th April 2012,as intimated in the last news letter. The Secretary presented his report about the activities of APCA during the year 2011-2012. The Treasurer presented his report about the details of income and expenditure and the assets of APCA.

A Fancy Dress Competition was held for age group- up to 10 years and Elocution Competition for Children, APCA Members and Families. . Prizes were given in both categories to first second and third besides participation prizes to all. The AGM was followed by dinner.

As informed in the last news letter, elections for the Executive Committee of APCA were to be held in the AGM on 29th April, 2012. Circular was sent to all the members, well in advance, about the election by secret ballot and nominations for all the posts of Executive Committee were invited. No elections were required in the AGM as nominations received were limited to the number of posts. The Election Officer declared the following elected unopposed:- 

Shri P. K. Bansal   ( M.No.34)
Vice-President   Shri K. N. Garg  42
Secretary  Shri R.J.K.Jain  26
Joint Secretary  Shri  N. K. Agrawal  143
Treasurer   Shri  Dinesh Garg 117
Members   1.  Dr. H. K. Bansal   201
 2.  Dr. Deepak Goyal  218
  3.  Shri Sunil Agrawal  154
 4.  Shri C. P. Jain   229
 5.  Dr. Manish Agrawal  263

Member nos 4 and 5 have been elected to the Committee for the first time.

The E. C., in its first meeting, decided to co-opt the following 3 members

   1. Shri  Arvind Agrawal 
I.A.S.  146
   2. Shri  Manoj Agrawal    I.P.S.  150
3. Shri Praveen Garg    246

The new E.C. intends to organize new types of programmes. Members are requested to send suggestions in writing for any new programmes. A film show is planned on 8th July, 2012.

APCA has completed 20 years in 2012. A souvenir is planned to be released on the occasion of Maharaja Agrasen Jayanti in October 2012.Articles Poems, advertisements are invited for the same (see details elsewhere).

APCA felicitates meritorious students every year during Agrasen Jayanti celebrations. Please send marks-sheet as per details elsewhere.

Some members are yet to pay the annual subscription for 2012 – 2013. Please pay Rs. 1500-00 to any E.C. member at the earliest.

Members are requested to inform the Secretary by letter or E-mail about any change in their phone no., mobile no., address, email, etc. This will ensure that they receive all communications about APCA programs in time.

APCA E.C extents good wishes to all APCA members, whose birthdays and marriage anniversaries fall during the coming months.

Place: Ahmedabad                             P. K. Bansal                                   
Date: 4th July 2012                              President


Shri P.K.Bansal, President APCA has been unanimously elected the first President of the newly formed Gujarat Pradesh Agrawal Mahasabha in a General Body Meeting of about 45 Agrawal Samajs from all over the State, on 20th May, 2012 at Vadodara.

This new Mahasabha has adopted its own Constitution in the above GBM. A new Executive Committee has been formed with office bearers and representatives from the above Samajs with Shri P.K.Bansal as the President.

APCA family feels proud that its President has been entrusted with this important responsibility and congratulates him for the same.
  SOUVENIR  2012  

APCA Members are aware that APCA was formed in the year 1992. It has completed 20 years. APCA Executive Committee has decided to bring out a Souvenir on this occasion which would be released on the occasion of Maharaja Agrasen Jayanti which we will celebrate in October 2012. The souvenir will contain useful and important information about Agroha- Agrasen- Agrawals, articles of professional’s value, self composed poems etc., besides advertisements. A detailed list of APCA and YUVA APCA Members and a copy of Constitution will form part of this Souvenir.

APCA Members are requested to send articles of professional value, self composed poems etc. and any other material they consider appropriate for the souvenir.

Members are also requested to give advertisements or arrange the same from friends, contacts etc. A request letter for advertisement is enclosed. Zerox copies can be used.

  Prize Winner for Competition held on 29-04-12 - Fancy Dress  

1. Khayti Agrawal D/O Manoj Agrawal
2. Yashdeep Garg S/O Dinesh Garg
3. Amishi Agrawal D/O Ravindra Agrawal


Elocution Competition Children


1. Shalin Gupta S/O Pankaj Gupta
2. Rachit S/O Prachi
3. Khushi D/O Sanjeev Kumar

  APCA Member & Families  

1. Amit Gupta
2. Dharmendra Gupta
3. Praveen Kumar Agrawal