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  July - Sept 2012 News Letter Back.....  

No. 48  Quarterly            
e-mail: [email protected]   
July – Sept, 2012
83, Goyal Palace, Bodakdev, Sarkhej-Gandhinagar Road, Ahmedabad – 380054.
Phone: 079 - 2685 5522  Mobile : 09825945522           

       : The Editorial Committee :

Shri P. K. Bansal                    Shri K. N. Garg                 Shri R. J. K. Jain  
  From the President’s Desk    

As mentioned in the last newsletter, the AGM of APCA was held on 29th April 2012.     The new Executive Committee for 2012--2014 was formed during the AGM.  .The new   EC decided to bring out a Souvenir on the occasion of Maharaja Agrasen Jayanti in October 2012.You will be happy to know that the Souvenir 2012 is ready and will be released on 21st Oct. 2012 during our celebration of Maharaja Agrasen Jayanti. The EC members have devoted much time and energy in bringing out this Souvenir.  Some EC members have made great efforts in obtaining advertisements which you  will see in the souvenir.
APCA has completed 20 years of its very fruitful and active existence and is well known in our State as well as at the national level. At this stage we must  acknowledge the contribution and hard work of the members of the ECs in the last 20 years in the development of APCA as a very vibrant Agrawal Samaj with a very wide spectrum of members from Govt.,Public Sector and serving and practicing professionals from different fields.
The youth wing of APCA, namely YUVA-APCA, is also developing fast. They join APCA in some activities like Agrasen Jayanti and annual sports meet and also hold their own functions independently. Their membership is open to Agrawal Professionals in      the age group of 21 to 35 years.
APCA felicitates meritorious children of its members every year on the occasion of Maharaja Agrasen Jayanti . Accordingly we will felicitate 45 children this year who came out with flying colours in the annual examination of 2012.
 Besides our regular features like AGM, Agrasen Jayanti, annual sports meet, etc., we  also organized one day excursions to places of tourist and religious interest, a few days trip to Agroha Dham, Khatu Shyamji, Salasar Hanumanji, Jaipur etc. and foreign trip to Sri Lanka. Events like Treasure Hunt ,Group viewing of Hindi movies, day out in water park ,one day picnic etc. have also been done in the past. We welcome suggestions from the members for new programmes.
APCA has adopted its LOGO and WEBSITE and is going to launch the same on Oct. 21. The website is www.agrawalprofessionals.com .
 APCA members are requested to inform the President and the Secretary by email whenever there is a change in their phone and mobile numbers or address or email. This will ensure prompt communication with them..
 APCA EC extends GOOD WISHES to all members whose birth days and marriage anniversaries  fall during the coming months.

Place: Ahmedabad                             P. K. Bansal                                   
Date: 19.10.2012                                  Presiden