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  Oct - Dec 2012 News Letter Back.....  

No. 49  Quarterly            
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.agrawalprofessionals.com 
Oct – Dec, 2012
83, Goyal Palace, Bodakdev, Sarkhej-Gandhinagar Road, Ahmedabad – 380054.
Phone: 079 - 2685 5522  Mobile : 09825945522

    : The Editorial Committee :  
  Shri P. K. Bansal                    Shri K. N. Garg                      Shri R. J. K. Jain   
  From the President’s Desk  

The Editorial Committee wishes all APCA members a very happy and prosperous NEW YEAR 2013.

You are aware that a new Executive Committee was formed for 2012 – 2014 after elections in the AGM on April 29,th 2012. As APCA has completed 20 years of very active and fruitful existence, the new E.C. decided to bring out a souvenirs on the occasion of Agrasen Jayanti in Oct -  2012. This land mark 20th Anniversary Jayanti was celebrated on 21st Oct, 2012 for the first time in the spacious auditorium of Sardar Patel Institute of Public Administration (SPIPA), before a  house-full audience of APCA and YUVA APCA members and their families. The E.C. members had worked hard for months to make it a special occasion for the following reasons.

  1. A very beautifully printed informative and useful souvenir was released by the eldest APCA member Shri D.C. Goel (No.77). Copies were given to all APCA and YUVA APCA members as well as to special invitees who attended the function. The contents of the souvenir will make it a good reference book for many years.
  2. A logo and a website of APCA were launched buy our member Shri Arvind Agrawal I.A.S. The website is www.agrawalprofessionals.com.APCA and YUVA APCA members are advised to frequently see the website as all future activities, circulars and newsletters etc will be posted on this website. The newsletter No. 48 for  July – September 2012 has already been posted on this website.
  3. 45 meritorious children of APCA and YUVA APCA members from standard I to XII were felicitated on the stage by awarding a pure silver designer medal of 20 gms, mentioning their name, standard and year 2012. Beautifully printed certificates were also given along with the medals. These were sponsored by APCA members Shri Rajiv Garg  (No. 41) and Dr. Sandeep Singhal of U.K. (No. 152).

As regards future plans, APCA has organized a one-day Desert Safari to Little Rann of Kachch on 6th Jan, 2013 for which good response is received from APCA and YUVA APCA members. Our annual winter sports will be held on 20th Jan, 2013 in Anand Niketam School, Shilaj for APCA as well as YUVA APCA members and their families. Lectures on professional topic will also be held in near future.

APCA members are requested to inform the Secretary by letter or e-mail about change of address, phone or mobile no. or e-mail. This will ensure that they do not miss our important communications and letter. Newsletters and circulars have been received back in the post due to change in postal address.

Members are requested to send their valuable suggestions in writing to include new and useful programmes.

APCA Editorial Committee extends good wishes to all APCA members whose birth day and marriage anniversaries fall during the coming months.

Place: Ahmedabad                    P.K. Bansal
Date: 01.01.2013                      President